The Orchid is a Cherished Flower

The first thing that strikes you about an orchid is the strange shape of its petals. Unlike the usual round shape witnessed in a majority of flowers, these petals are more inclined towards exhibiting geometrical patterns. This is what makes this flower so cherished, exotic and special to several cultures across the globe.


  • Origin of Name: The name itself sounds rather unusual, doesn’t it? Well, it has its root in the Greek language. “Orchis” refers to the male testicles, since the root tubers are similarly shaped.
  • Fertility and Virility: According to the Ancient Greeks, consumption of large-sized tubers by the father would ensure the birth of a male child. However, if the mother insisted on consuming small-sized orchid tubers, she would definitely give birth to a female child. Similarly, the Ancient Chinese believed that the more tubers one ate, the more children the couple would have. Even today, expecting couples are gifted orchids in several parts of the world.
  • Symbol of Love: The orchid is indeed an amazing flower, for it is able to tolerate all kinds of weather conditions in the Tropics, and grow well. Ancient lovers often gifted the rarer varieties of this species to special people, in order to exhibit the depth of their passion and affection. In fact, love potions generally contained a key ingredient, that is, the orchid.
  • Symbol of Opulence: The orchid is not a ‘cheap’ flower, for it does not grow everywhere. Even today, everyone cannot afford to purchase them. In earlier times, only people belonging to royal or noble families were capable of ordering them as gifts. Therefore, the orchid became a symbol of luxury and wealth.
  • Epitome of Unusual Attraction: The arrangement and shape of petals on the orchid flower are wonderfully symmetrical in appearance. As a result, the flower is considered to be a representation of perfect and balanced beauty. During the Victorian Era, women even tried to dress in alignment with the symmetrical lines present on the orchid’s petals!

Now, the orchid flower has diverse hues. Each one has its own message to convey.

  • A lavender-coloured flower stands for feminine grace and elegance. It should make a splendid gift for your beloved.
  • Purple is the colour of royalty. Your mother is the most ‘royal’ person in the house, for she takes charge of everything. Bestow a purple-coloured orchid upon her to show your admiration and respect for her.
  • Similar to the yellow rose, a yellow-coloured orchid denotes the beginning of a long-lasting friendship.
  • Pink is the best colour to express happiness and joy. It is also the colour of innocence.
  • A white-coloured orchid refers to the pure innocence witnessed in the recipient of the gift.
  • The blue orchid is a rare flower. It should go to a person possessing rare qualities, or someone with a spiritually-inclined mindset.

Thus, if you desire to make someone’s special day even more special, send across a splendid bouquet of orchids via the best flower delivery online services.

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